Transferring universities can be difficult, and Transfer Student Success at Baylor is here to help you transition as a Baylor Bear! National research has shown that the vast majority of transfer students experience what is known as “Transfer Shock”. Transfer shock is a term referring to the fact that students transferring colleges generally experience a drop in GPA during their first semester at their new school. This drop is generally between a half of a point to a full point in GPA. It make no difference if you are transferring from a 4 year college or university or a community college, you should expect an uphill battle. If you currently have a 3.0, you could expect between a 2.5 and 2.0 during your first semester at Baylor. With this in mind, the Office of Transfer Student Success Baylor offers two types of classes that were created specifically to support you, STL1104 and Strategic Learning for Transfers (STL1200).
Transferring Your Success
STL 1104 is a one-credit hour course that meets during your first semester at Baylor and satisfies your New Student Experience requirement. This class is designed specifically with transfer students in mind covering topics relevant to students who are new to Baylor, but still bringing a wealth of experience from their former college or university. The faculty and staff who teach this class care deeply about transfer students, and want to get to know them personally through one-on-one meetings, class outings, meals together, and small group discussions. Feel free to talk to your academic advisor to find out how this class will fit into your schedule.
Strategic Learning
STL 1200 is a two-hour credit-bearing course that will offer instruction, dialogue, and collaborative learning to enhance students’ foundations as they continue their academic path at Baylor. While learning about study strategies related to such issues as time management, procrastination, memory, and learning styles, students will also be engaged in learning about themselves—self management, mindset, personal responsibility, self-awareness, and motivation. This course takes place in an interactive, small-group setting where students will get to know one another. Talk to your academic advisor to find out if you can register for STL 1200.